5 Rhythms®
Dancing the
5 rhythms® :
To view the film made during the Lab (an in-depth exploration of the practice) with Lucie Nerot, click on the link : Film Laboratoire Compassion

“5 Rhythms dance awoke my passion, and for many years became my refuge, the place where I felt free. For 20 years I danced and taught the practice on every continent, with so many different kinds of people. I will be forever grateful for the richness of that journey of transformation. At one point in my life everything seemed defined and limited. Today, I see the vast open spaces, fertile grounds, high mountains, powerful oceans, delightful springs, torrential rains, muddy fields, soft rays of sunshine, fiery volcanoes, delicate autumn leaves that my feet have taken me to, and the beautiful dances I have with them, around them, through them.”
As a teacher I trained with Gabrielle Roth, the founder of the practice, both at the “Waves” level (physical ) and at the “Heartbeat” level (emotional )
The 5 Rhythms® were created by Gabrielle Roth at the end of the 1960s and offer a free exploration of movement and of oneself through movement. Each rhythm (Flowing, Staccato, Chaos, Lyrical and Stillness) is a mirror for body, heart and soul, and the wave of energy they create together has the power to transform and heal. For a visual, you can watch this video, filmed during a 5 Rhythms Lab I lead : The 5 Rhythms Wave
There are no prerequisites to dancing the 5 Rhythms: each person starts from where they are and finds their own path of dance. Each dance will come and enrich your experience and your understanding of the 5 Rhythms. To give you a taste, here are a few words written by Cambodian teenagers after they had danced the 5 Rhythms every day for 3 weeks.

Flowing : Like a river, where water flows ceaselessly; the rays of the sun shine on our bodies. Like blood flowing through the veins.

Staccato : I feel like a man, breathing out, following the heart, a man who knows how to act.

Chaos : My body can jump, fly, turn, from the crown of my head to the tip of my toes. The most important thing: letting the poison out, like the sweat, and breathing in the energy of the world.

Lyrical : Moves me, like flying towards the moon.

Stillness : Quiet, I breathe very softly, movement follows the heart.
More info : 5Rhythms