Ground Floor Lab

Ground Floor Lab Paris avec Lucie Nérot (formatrice Open Floor) et Monika Körschner (enseignante chevronnée)

Le Ground Floor Lab est un stage résidentiel intense et experientiel de 30 heures et une introduction au parcours de formation Open Floor.

Vous en ressortirez avec une compréhension des bases et ancrages de l’enseignement, et des compétences pratiques que vous pourrez utiliser dans votre pratique du mouvement, votre vie de tous les jours, au travail, et autour de vous. C’est aussi l’occasion de passer de l’autre côté du miroir pour comprendre comment on construit une séance en open floor.

VENUE : La Picotière
11 rue de la Picotière, 41100 Villetrun, France

For more information visit:

Please do not contact the venue directly. See Accommodation for more information.

PRICING : The pricing structure of the Ground Floor Lab aligns with Open Floor’s value of inclusivity. There are differences among our participants geographically, in social status, and privilege. We offer more flexible and inclusive price options to embody economic justice.

Together we can make this programme accessible and inclusive!

The costs will cover the fees for two trainers and a crew of assistants and general costs for promotion and material. And it will be supporting the Open Floor International non-profit organization.

  • 800 EUR normal rate
  • 1200 EUR generosity rate
  • 650 EUR subsidised rate
  • 500 EUR or less access rate (bursary places on request)
  • Open Floor Teachers – please choose the rate, which feels fair for you.

The costs for accommodation and food full board of 400 EUR in shared rooms (or 525 in single room) is paid separately. See below for more information.

ACCOMODATION : We will dance and will be accommodated in the house “La Picotière” in the nature close to Vendôme.
We will reserve the rooms for you. Please book your room through us, not through the venue. Please do not contact the venue directly.

  • There are shared rooms full board available for the full stay for 400 EUR.
  • There are a few single rooms full board available on request for 525 EUR.
  • Exceptional camping possible.

We will reserve the rooms for you and do the best in considering your preferences, which you can let us know in the application form.

We are nourished by full board consisting of three local, organic, vegetarian meals.

Medical dietary requirements and allergies can be taken into account to a limited extent and has to be clear two weeks in advance.

You can bring your own food if necessary. A fridge is accessible. No cooking facilities.


  • 50 hours of instructed study in Embodied Movement Practices*

    To support your understanding of the Open Floor curriculum, it is highly recommended that some of those hours be in Open Floor Movement Practice.  If there is none available in your area, you can find online offerings in our calendar of events.  You can also further familiarize yourself with Open Floor Movement Practice by reading through the curriculum material

    *includes Yoga, Tai Chi, Alexander Technique, Somatic Experiencing, Feldenkrais as well as Movement Meditation/Conscious Dance Practices such as: Open Floor, Soul Motion, Movement Medicine, 5Rhythms, freedomDANCE, ZeroOne, 360 Emergence, Azul, BISO, Tamalpa, Continuum, Laban, Biodanza

    If you have studied, practised or trained in a physical practice that is not listed here, please do write to us, let us know what we’re missing and also detail it in the section below.



Day 1: Friday 18 April
Arrival and registration: 16:00-19:00
Dinner and Opening session: 19:00

Day 2: Saturday 19 April
2 sessions: 10:00-13:00 & 16:00-19:00

Day 3: Sunday 20 April
2 sessions: 10:00-13:00 & 16:00-19:00

Day 4: Monday 21 April
2 sessions: 10:00-13:00 & 16:00-19:00

Day 5: Tuesday 22 April
2 sessions: 10:00-13:00 & 16:00-19:00

Day 6: Wednesday 23 April
1 session: 10:00-12:30 & closing session: 14:30-16:00

This is a residential program. An evening session might be added.


By train from Paris:

You will arrive at either Vendôme-Villiers TGV station (42 minutes from Paris-Montparnasse) or Vendôme-localité station (2 hours from Paris-Austerlitz). From there, it’s a 20-minute taxi ride. We will organize shared taxi rides.

By car:
La Picotière is a 2-hour drive from Paris
Address : 11 rue de la Picotière, 41110 Villetrun
Position GPS : N : 47.78302. E : 1.16168

LANGUAGE : This workshop will be dispensed in english.

REGISTRATIONS  : Follow this link :

1. Complete the registration form.
2. You will receive a copy of your registration immediately and within two weeks an email if you are accepted with the payment details.
3. After your acceptance and when the payment is done, your registration will be confirmed by email.

Registrations will be considered according to the date of receipt and the fulfilled prerequisites.
Your registration is to be completed by the payment, which is to be done directly or with two instalments.
Your registration and your payment will be confirmed

For any info, please contact :



Avr 18 - 23 2025


All Day


La Picotière